Pink Roses

End of Week Reading

Pink Roses

It’s been a while since I posted my favorite reads from the week and I have quite the backlog! Here are a few I hope you’ll enjoy:

  • Are you an Upholder, a Questioner, a Rebel, or an Obliger? Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project (a book I re-read again and again) offers a fun, quick little quiz. (I’m such a Questioner)

“…here’s the epiphany: Sitting on the stairs I thought, “I love this cat. I would do anything to protect him and make him happy and keep him from harm. He has four legs and two eyes and an amazing brain and an incredibly rich emotional life. I would never in a trillion years think of hurting this cat. So why am I eating other animals who have four (or two) legs, two eyes, amazing brains, and rich emotional lives?””

  • The house tour that made me regret leaving California. It’s still my goal to figure out a way to spend summers in Boston and falls in wine country. And winters? Somewhere tropical.
  • I loved this essay on What It Takes to Change the World. The graphic on how we think change works versus how change really happens is so grounding, inspiring, and approachable. The takeaway is beautiful.

Have you read anything good recently? 


